Aims of The Association
The aims are to encourage the high handicap golfer to take an active interest in all golfing matters pertaining to the success and welfare of his club and to afford him facilities for enjoying and developing his game by arranging various competitions.
1 Title
The name of the Association shall be “The Leeds & District Rabbit Golf Association”
2 Objects
The objects of the Association shall be to:-
a) Promote the game of golf.
b) Stimulate and encourage the interest of the high handicap players.
c) Work for the benefit of the Association and Clubs.
3 Functions
a) Encourage the formation of “Rabbit” sections in Clubs. These may be known under other names but consist of members with WHS Handicap Index of 15.0 and over.
b) Promote golf amongst the members which in part will be by arranging and conducting competitions.
c) Organise and conduct appropriate social events and gatherings.
4 Definition of a “Rabbit Golfer”
A male adult golf club member whose WHS Handicap Index is 15.0 and over.
5 Affiliation Fee
Each club shall pay an annual affiliation fee before the 28th February each year, the amount of which shall be fixed at the Annual General Meeting.
6 Membership of the Association
Any “Rabbit” section in a club, as defined by the Leeds & District Union, may apply to become a member of the Association. Membership has to be approved by the Committee.
7 The Committee
The Committee will be responsible for the general running of the affairs of the Association and consist of:-
a) The Officers (elected under 8)
b) One delegate nominated by each member club from their full membership.
c) Other co-opted members, who will not have voting rights but will undertake work for the committee and attend all relevant committees and sub-committees. Co-option may only be undertaken by the Committee.
d) All past Presidents.
e) Only Officers, Past Presidents and Club Delegates or their nominated substitute, may vote and only those attending a meeting may vote on issues put to the vote at that meeting. No person shall have more than one vote. In the event of a tied vote, The President shall have a casting vote.
The Committee will normally be chaired by the President (or Vice President) and shall meet regularly to conduct the business of the Association. At least 14 days notice must be given of meetings of the Committee. Normally, the Secretary will be required to give notice of all meetings of the Committee.
Minutes will be kept by the Secretary or his deputy and sent by post to each member of the committee and Secretary of the Rabbit Section of each affiliated club
No meeting may take place unless it is quorate. A quorum shall consist of at least 2 officers and 7 delegates.
8 The Officers of the Association
The officers of the Association shall be elected annually by the members attending the AGM, and will consist of:-
a) A President who normally shall not hold office for more than one year.
b) A Vice President who normally shall not hold office for more than one year and shall be from a club different from that of the President.
c) An honorary Secretary/Treasurer.
d) A deputy Secretary/Treasurer.
e) A league and competitions Secretary.
f) Other officers, as determined by the AGM from time to time, who may be required to carry out specific functions. The functions of the Officers is to carry out the routine business of the club and to bring key issues to the attention of the Committee and/or of the AGM.
9 Auditor
An honorary Auditor, who may be a member of the Committee, or of different affiliated clubs or be external to the affiliated clubs, shall be elected each year and be required to audit the accounts annually before submission to the AGM.
10 The Annual General Meeting (AGM)
This will be held annually, normally in February and will consider:-
a) The progress made by the Association, in the previous 12 months, to the preceding December. To help, the President and Secretary will normally be expected to make reports.
b) The audited accounts.
c) Propositions presented by the clubs or committee or the officers duly proposed and seconded and submitted in writing at least three weeks before the meeting. Amendments may be made at the AGM and in accordance with general practice, be voted upon, prior to the proposals. All amendments must be proposed and seconded before consideration.
d) Election of officers and of auditor.
The meeting may be attended by any member of the Rabbits section within the affiliated clubs. Each club have up to three votes but only those attending may vote and no person shall have more than one vote.
10-1 Extraordinary General Meetings (EGM)
A general meeting may be called on any issue affecting the Association and its running, by submission of a proposal in writing by at least 7 constituent clubs. The EGM must be called at least 2 weeks after receipt of the proposal and normally within six weeks. All affiliated clubs must be circulated in writing with the proposal.
11 Winding up of the Association
This can only be done by the majority of the affiliated member clubs so voting in favour. All assets after payment of debts shall be distributed equally amongst the affiliated clubs at that particular time. All unsettled debts will be the responsibility of the clubs affiliated at that particular time. Affiliated clubs may leave the Association at any time other than when the proposal to wind up is under consideration.
The Leeds & District RGA wishes to promote friendly and pleasurable golf for all players from our member clubs.
All players should comply with the rules of golf and conduct themselves in a fit and proper manner demonstrating courtesy and sportsmanship at all times.
Use of foul language or abusive behaviour will not be tolerated.
Foul or abusive language to any member of the Executive involved in running the competition or another player will result in immediate disqualification from that competition, (as per the rules of golf Rule 33.7)
Any formal complaint from any person or club should be sent in writing, addressed to the Secretary of the Association.
Attempts will be made to resolve any issue by the President and the committee in a fair and proper manner.
Should the complaint be of such a serious nature that it cannot be settled by diplomacy, the President will appoint a disciplinary subcommittee to investigate and rule in accordance with the guide lines of England Golf on “the procedure and conduct of disciplinary committees”
The Leeds & District RGA wishes to promote friendly and pleasurable golf for all players from our member clubs.
All players should comply with the rules of golf and conduct themselves in a fit and proper manner demonstrating courtesy and sportsmanship at all times.
Use of foul language or abusive behaviour will not be tolerated.
Foul or abusive language to any member of the Executive involved in running the competition or another player will result in immediate disqualification from that competition, (as per the rules of golf Rule 33.7)
Any formal complaint from any person or club should be sent in writing, addressed to the Secretary of the Association.
Attempts will be made to resolve any issue by the President and the committee in a fair and proper manner.
Should the complaint be of such a serious nature that it cannot be settled by diplomacy, the President will appoint a disciplinary subcommittee to investigate and rule in accordance with the guide lines of England Golf on “the procedure and conduct of disciplinary committees”